Lycée Condorcet Sydney - Going Green!
Posted on 4th Oct 2021 in School News, Australia
Lycée Condorcet Sydney - Going Green!
Going green. Changing the world. It seems an immense, insurmountable task, and for consumers, who have a limited amount of time and resources to spend on finding the sustainable choices, the "good" products, it can be. For governments, with constant disagreements and red tape, it seems progress is too far away to make a difference in time. Therefore, it is up to companies, organisations, schools, like us, to make the right choices and lead the way towards a sustainable future.
The International French School of Sydney has changed its energy policy considerably over the last year, with the management and the school board voting to install solar panels on the gymnasium and our new kindergarten building that will cover over 50% of the school’s electricity needs by 2022.
Along with this commitment, the school has also made a call for tender for the future electricity supplier, opting to use 100% green energy to cover the remaining 50% of the school’s electricity needs. This will allow our school to be run entirely by green energy by January 1st, 2022.
For the past three years, the considerable efforts of the board, our leaders, our teaching faculty, our facilities team, our school restaurant and our very dedicated sustainable development advisor, Audrey Leclech, have culminated in us reaching a huge milestone this year.
The school as also invested in important resources and material:
– Classroom renovations and insulation
– Implementation of environmental criteria in our calls for tenders (printers, cleaning contracts, canteen service providers, etc.)
– Active recycling (new recycling bins, compost bins, worm farm for food scraps, waste audits and recycling drives )
– Assisting students in creating vegetable gardens
While we are proud of what we have achieved so far, there is still a long way to go. Our class eco-representatives will lead us in our next steps, indeed, they are already planning how we can further reduce energy consumption this school year.
While we work closely with our AEFE network of over 500 schools across the globe to become more and more sustainable, we hope to inspire schools in Sydney, too, to join us on the journey.