What makes a great IB revision course?

Posted on 6th Mar 2018 in Diploma Programme, Revision Courses

You are an IB Diploma Programme student and your final exams are on the horizon. You have made sacrifices, heavily invested in your studies and want to do everything you can to boost your grades. If this is you, you are not alone. One decision you may be considering is whether you should attend a revision course. The following is what I consider to be the essential ingredients of a great revision course.

CMU-Q workshops introduce secondary students to career possibilities

Posted on 14th Feb 2018 in University Study, Qatar

It is Saturday, and the Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar building buzzes with activity. More than one hundred high school students are attending the Mindcraft workshop to learn about the field of computer science. During the day-long session, students get a taste of what studying computer science might be like: they program a robot to maneuver through a maze, and learn about computational thinking and problem solving.
